Uses of Interface

Packages that use LocationGatherer
net.sourceforge.acelogger This is the base package for AceLogger. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.constants This package contains classes that define constants used by Appender, Logger, Formatter, etc. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.location.gatherer This package contains classes related to log event's location determination. 

Uses of LocationGatherer in net.sourceforge.acelogger

Methods in net.sourceforge.acelogger that return LocationGatherer
 LocationGatherer BaseLogger.getGatherer()
          Returns the location gatherer used within this logger.

Methods in net.sourceforge.acelogger with parameters of type LocationGatherer
 void BaseLogger.setGatherer(LocationGatherer gatherer)
          Sets the location gatherer used within this logger.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.acelogger with parameters of type LocationGatherer
BaseLogger(String identifier, Appender appender, LevelFilter filter, LocationGatherer gatherer)
          Constructs a new BaseLogger using the supplied identifier, appender, level filter and location gatherer.
GenericLogger(String identifier, Appender appender, LevelFilter filter, LocationGatherer gatherer)
          Constructs a GenericLogger using the supplied information.

Uses of LocationGatherer in net.sourceforge.acelogger.constants

Fields in net.sourceforge.acelogger.constants declared as LocationGatherer
static LocationGatherer LocationGathererConstants.EMPTY
          A gatherer that does nothing.

Uses of LocationGatherer in net.sourceforge.acelogger.location.gatherer

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger.location.gatherer that implement LocationGatherer
 class BaseLocationGatherer
          Abstracts common tasks for LocationGatherer.
 class EmptyLocationGatherer
          A implementation of LocationGatherer that do nothing.
 class FileAndLineLocationGatherer
          An implementation of LocationGatherer that discovers only the file and line of the caller.
 class FullLocationGatherer
          An implementation of LocationGatherer that discovers all available information of the caller.

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