Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseExecutorManager
net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution.manager Provides execution related capabilities like execution monitoring and notification. 

Uses of BaseExecutorManager in net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution.manager

Subclasses of BaseExecutorManager in net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution.manager
 class BaseUtilConcurrentExecutorManager
          Abstracts all common tasks for ExecutorManager based on ExecutorService.
 class PooledExecutorManager
          An implementation of ExecutorManager that runs tasks asynchronously, so the caller do not get blocked until task completion.
 class QueuedExecutorManager
          An implementation of ExecutorManager that runs tasks asynchronously, so the caller do not get blocked until task completion.
 class SynchronousExecutorManager
          An implementation of ExecutorManager that executes tasks synchronously in the same caller's thread.

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