Uses of Interface

Packages that use Identifiable
net.sourceforge.acelogger This is the base package for AceLogger. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.appender This package contains basic Appender implementations. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution Provides execution control and monitoring. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution.manager Provides execution related capabilities like execution monitoring and notification. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.formatter This package contains classes responsible for the formatting of log messages. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.level.filter Provides level filtering capabilities. 
net.sourceforge.acelogger.location.gatherer This package contains classes related to log event's location determination. 

Uses of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger

Subinterfaces of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger
 interface Logger
          A logging interface that provides the methods needed to manage log calls, abstracting the configuration to the framework.

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger that implement Identifiable
 class BaseLogger
          Abstracts all common tasks for Logger.
 class EmptyLogger
          An implementation of Logger that does nothing.
 class GenericLogger
          A Logger "container", this class should be used if you want to specify each component of a logger.
 class SimpleLogger
          A pre-configured Logger using A simple formatter, logging to system err and generating file and line location for calls greater than info.

Uses of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.appender

Subinterfaces of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.appender
 interface Appender
          A appender interface that provides methods needed to manage appending log calls, abstracting the configuration to the framework.

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger.appender that implement Identifiable
 class BaseAppender
          Abstracts all common tasks for Appender.
 class EmptyAppender
          A implementation of Appender that do nothing.
 class MultipleAppender
          An implementation of Appender used as a Multiplexer.
 class PrintStreamAppender
          An implementation of Appender abstracting common PrintStream writing.
 class SystemErrAppender
          An implementation of Appender that will write to System.err.
 class SystemOutAppender
          An implementation of Appender that will write to System.out.
 class TextFileAppender

Uses of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution that implement Identifiable
 class InternalLogger
          An implementation of Logger to be used during the startup and shutdown of the framework.

Uses of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution.manager

Subinterfaces of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution.manager
 interface ExecutorManager
          A interface providing task execution abstraction.

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger.execution.manager that implement Identifiable
 class BaseExecutorManager
          Abstracts all common tasks for ExecutorManager.
 class BaseUtilConcurrentExecutorManager
          Abstracts all common tasks for ExecutorManager based on ExecutorService.
 class EmptyExecutorManager
          A implementation of ExecutorManager that do nothing.
 class PooledExecutorManager
          An implementation of ExecutorManager that runs tasks asynchronously, so the caller do not get blocked until task completion.
 class QueuedExecutorManager
          An implementation of ExecutorManager that runs tasks asynchronously, so the caller do not get blocked until task completion.
 class SynchronousExecutorManager
          An implementation of ExecutorManager that executes tasks synchronously in the same caller's thread.

Uses of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.formatter

Subinterfaces of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.formatter
 interface Formatter
          A formatting interface that provides the methods needed to format log calls to it's string representation, abstracting the configuration to the framework.

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger.formatter that implement Identifiable
 class BaseFormatter
          Abstracts all common tasks for Formatter.
 class EmptyFormatter
          A implementation of Formatter that do nothing.
 class MessageOnlyFormatter
          An implementation of Formatter that formats only the log message, no other LogEvent information is used to format the message.
 class PatternFormatter
          TODO: Create Doc.
 class SimpleFormatter
          An implementation of Formatter that formats the log message and outputs the date, location and message.

Uses of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.level.filter

Subinterfaces of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.level.filter
 interface LevelFilter
          A filter interface that determines if a log call is suitable for a logging or not.

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger.level.filter that implement Identifiable
 class AcceptAllLevelFilter
          A filter that accepts all levels.
 class AcceptNoneLevelFilter
          A filter that accepts no levels.
 class BaseLevelFilter
          Abstracts all common tasks for LevelFilter.
 class EqualsLevelFilter
          A filter that matches an exact level.
 class GreaterOrEqualLevelFilter
          A filter that matches levels greater or equal the supplied one.
 class LessOrEqualLevelFilter
          A filter that matches levels less or equal the supplied one.
 class NotEqualLevelFilter
          A filter that doesn't matches an exact level.
 class RangedLevelFilter
          A filter that matches levels greater or equal the supplied one.

Uses of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.location.gatherer

Subinterfaces of Identifiable in net.sourceforge.acelogger.location.gatherer
 interface LocationGatherer
          Obtains the location of a log call.

Classes in net.sourceforge.acelogger.location.gatherer that implement Identifiable
 class BaseLocationGatherer
          Abstracts common tasks for LocationGatherer.
 class EmptyLocationGatherer
          A implementation of LocationGatherer that do nothing.
 class FileAndLineLocationGatherer
          An implementation of LocationGatherer that discovers only the file and line of the caller.
 class FullLocationGatherer
          An implementation of LocationGatherer that discovers all available information of the caller.

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